MSWA supports WA’s stroke community

17 September 2019

Ever wondered what happens to the money you raise when you participate in a fundraising event? At MSWA we are proud that all funds go directly towards supporting Western Australians living with a neurological condition.

When you participate in our two largest events, Step Up For MSWA and MSWA Ocean Ride, you can choose which neurological condition you fundraise for. This money is then spent to directly benefit Western Australians living with that condition.

MSWA General Manager, Strategic Supports & Residential Options Sue Shapland said MSWA supports a greater number of people, beyond just our direct Customers, by purchasing equipment for use in the major WA public hospitals.

“I make direct contact with the various hospital departments to find out what equipment they need to support both inpatients and outpatients. This way a greater number of patients will benefit from the donations and we are able to spread the impact,” said Sue.

“When the funds are allocated to specific conditions, we are able to buy much-needed equipment for the various hospitals, and it makes supporting people living with a neurological condition that much easier. I try to identify different hospitals each time to be equitable.”

Fundraisers who chose to support our Stroke community at our last Ocean Ride and Step up events, have raised money that has gone towards purchasing equipment for the State Neuro Rehab Ward at Fiona Stanley Hospital (FSH).

The new equipment, which includes weighted vests, walking aids, electrical stimulators and fit bits, will be used by physiotherapists treating patients who have had a Stroke and those living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Parkinson’s Disease.

FSH Senior Physiotherapist Tanya West said the new equipment will be used as part of a tailored rehab physio program, ultimately working towards improving physical activity, function and independence in patients.

“The fit bits will be used to monitor and encourage increased physical activity in individuals in the gym. The weighted vests help stabilize the trunk, reduce ataxia and improve balance,” said Tanya.

“Thank you MSWA, for this generous donation. The equipment will be of great benefit not only to our current patients, but for future patients in years to come.”

If you’d like to show your support and help us change lives and make a real difference, head to our 'Get involved' section to see what events are coming up: