This service is available in-person and via telehealth. If you would like further information, please contact us on 08 9365 4888 or complete the form below.
Support coordination
At MSWA we recognise that navigating the NDIS can be complicated and challenging. Finding and choosing your provider can be overwhelming and time consuming. Some people may prefer to manage their NDIS plan themselves. Others feel that they require support to understand and navigate the NDIS and its process. This is where Support Coordination can help you.
What is Support Coordination?
Support Coordination is a service to help you build the skills that you need to understand and implement your NDIS plan. It is a funded service within your NDIS plan that provides ongoing assistance to connect you to appropriate services and supports.
MSWA Support Coordinators assist you to optimise your NDIS funding and help give you the information you need to make an informed decision about services – from MSWA and externally.
At MSWA, we have two types of services that can help ensure you receive the best supports for your needs and allow you to have genuine choice and control; these are Support Coordination and Specialist Support Coordination.
Our team of experienced and compassionate staff will work with you to tailor your NDIS services to meet your needs and ensure your plan continues to work for you. At MSWA the Client is at the centre of everything we do so let us support you on your NDIS journey today.
Contact us
To find out more about our Support Coordination services, please complete the form below and one of our friendly team members will be in touch as soon as possible.