Social Media Terms of Use

The following Terms of Use apply to everyone that engages with MSWA on external social media sites or blogs. The intent of these Terms of Use is to help maintain a meaningful, constructive and transparent discussion on social media sites and blogs.
SECTION 1: General Social Media Participation Guidelines
The following Participation Guidelines apply to anyone accessing or posting to MSWA social media sites or blogs.
General Social Media Terms of Use
- By using or accessing any of the MSWA social media sites or blogs, you agree to comply with these Participation Guidelines as well as other engagement rules related to each specific social media platform (e.g. Facebook Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, Twitter Terms of Use, etc.). We may revise these Participation Guidelines as well as other specific engagement rules at any time without notice. Your use of or accessing the MSWA social media sites or blogs after such changes constitutes your agreement to such changes.
- All posts must be made by people who are 18 years of age or older.
- By posting to a MSWA social media site or blog, you agree to be solely responsible for the content of all information you contribute, link to, or otherwise upload.
- You agree that everything that you post shall be truthful, accurate, not misleading and offered in good faith and that you have the right to post such content/material.
- You agree not to post any of the following:
- False, misleading, or deceptive comments.
- Materials in which MSWA does not own the IP rights or has the right to reproduce/upload or trademarked materials or materials that contain confidential material or violate a third party’s right of publicity.
- Any photos or comments that depict:
- Unsafe practice
- Offensive behaviour
- Profanity
- Personal attacks
- Illegal statements
- Content attempting to impersonate someone else including, but not limited to clients, MSWA employees or other community members.
- Content that is subject to an internal investigation or that refers to or otherwise speaks to ongoing litigation matters or investigations.
- When disagreeing with others' opinions, keep it appropriate and polite.
Content Moderation
- Content may be moderated. When moderated, comments will not be posted immediately. They will be screened for relevance to the topic and compliance with these Participation Guidelines and other specific engagement rules applicable to specific social media platforms.
- If the name of the author (of the post) is not mentioned, the post will either be deleted or not posted (if moderation tool is available).
- Any postings not in line with these Terms of Use will not be published, as determined solely by MSWA in the sole discretion of MSWA.
- MSWA reserves the right – for any reason – to remove or report any postings which could be deemed inappropriate by MSWA in the sole discretion of MSWA.
- Repeated violations of these Terms of Use may result in a user being banned or blocked from the MSWA page, communities and/or accounts.
Privacy Protection
- Be smart about protecting yourself, your privacy and the privacy of others. What you publish is widely accessible and will be around for a long time, so consider the content carefully prior to posting.
- Do not post personal information including your social security number, identification card number, bank account or credit card information, or other sensitive personal information and any reference to personal information about others, including name or information that may be used to identify or locate another individual or that could otherwise be deemed to constitute invasion of another’s privacy.
- MSWA assumes no liability for errors or omissions in any material on MSWA social media sites and blogs.
- For any content you post on MSWA social media sites or blogs, you warrant that it is your own original work or if it is covered by intellectual property rights owned by third parties, you represent and warrant that you have all rights to that third party content and specifically grant to MSWA a worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free and fully-paid, transferable right and license to exercise all copyright, publicity, moral rights and any other IP rights with respect to any such content you provide.
- We respect the intellectual property of others. If you believe that your work has been copied in a way that constitutes IP infringement, please go to the Contact us section on to submit questions or comments regarding such issues.
Disclosure of Identity
- If you have a material connection to MSWA, you agree to post any connection that you may have to MSWA (as an agency, incentivized blogger/brand ambassador, vendor, etc.).
- If you have a material connection to MSWA and you are posting a comment about our products or services, be sure to let everyone know your connection to MSWA.
- For suggestions on how to disclose a material connection to MSWA, please refer to the Social Media Identity and Endorsement section (below).
Submitting Feedback, Queries and/or Complaints
- We always appreciate your feedback and suggestions about MSWA products and services. You understand that we may use them without any obligation to compensate you for them (just as you have no obligation to offer them).
- While we appreciate and encourage your feedback, questions or issues related to specific MSWA products and services, claims or client service issues should not be submitted via MSWA social media sites or blogs. Instead, please go to the contact us section on to submit questions or comments regarding such issues.
- MSWA works hard to ensure these Participation Guidelines are adhered to in a fair and consistent manner. If you would like to report abuse, spam, fake profiles, etc., please see the platform specific links below:
SECTION 2: Social Media Identity & Endorsement Guidelines
Understanding who is posting and their connection to MSWA is important to ensure transparency and foster authentic discussions. The following Social Media Identity and Endorsement Guidelines outline disclosure best practices.
Social Media Identity Guidelines
- If you have a material connection to MSWA, you agree to post any connection that you may have to MSWA (as an agency, incentivized blogger/brand ambassador, vendor, etc.).
- If you have a material connection to MSWA and you are posting a comment about our products or services, be sure to let everyone know your connection to MSWA.
Endorsement Guidelines
Testimonials and endorsements must be truthful and not misleading. To ensure full transparency, if there is a material connection between a person giving an endorsement or testimonial about MSWA or its products or services that may affect how people evaluate the endorsement or testimonial, the connection should be disclosed. Below are recommended disclosures to use as a guide. The key is that the disclosure should be prominent and in close proximity to the endorsement/testimonial and should not be in a website footer, terms of service or privacy policy.