Our team

Our difference makers
Client Co-Design and Advisory Committee
MSWA has stepped into an exciting new chapter, where the overwhelming theme is to ensure our Clients and community are at the centre of all that we do.
A key initiative to achieve this goal was the creation of the MSWA Client Advisory and Co-design Committee in 2023, a platform for Clients, their carers and members of our community to provide input into our service delivery models, processes and communications.
We are grateful to our passionate committee members for providing their time, expertise and guidance.
The challenge is to provide timely input to a wide range of topics that represent the whole client community. The reward is in the better outcomes for all.
Committee Members | |
Allen Roberts | |
Angelica Franz | |
Ellen-May Eaton | |
Gavin Harper | |
Jodi Russell | |
Michael Fay | |
Terry Compton | |
Wildaliz DeJesus Arocho |
Board of Directors

Horst Bemmerl
Committee member of: Audit, Risk and Finance; Quality and Client Services
Relevant qualifications:
Fellow Institute of Public Accountants, Graduate of Australian Institute Company Directors
Other Board positions:
Board Director MSA, Chair of Governance, Audit & Risk Committee for MSA
Career history:
More than twenty years in financial and commercial management in a broad and diverse range of industries.
Relevant experience:
Horst is a business strategy and process improvement specialist, with extensive knowledge in traditional financial management.
Horst has extensive experience managing finance and corporate service departments in leadership roles as part of a senior executive team.
Horst’s established career has spanned numerous management disciplines, including risk and compliance, treasury, taxation, business strategy and organisational development. This work included the management of major projects, including organisational restructures, system implementations and large tenders.
Horst says the development and mentoring of many staff over the years has been his most rewarding career achievement as a leader.
I am dedicated and committed to the purpose of MSWA. Not only does the organisation provide support and services for people living with a neurological condition, it also contributes significantly to research to improve lives.

Liam Roche
Chair of People and Governance
Committee member of: Audit, Risk and Finance
Relevant qualifications:
Bachelor of Business
Other Board positions:
Chair Perth Eye Foundation, Deputy Chair Crime Stoppers Western Australia, South Metropolitan Health Service, Western Australia Board of the Medical Board of Australia, Adviser to the Murdoch University Emerging Leaders Program
Current professional position:
Non Executive Director, part time Lecturer
Relevant experience:
Liam is a very experienced business leader and board member who retired from the role of Chief Operating Officer of Seven West Media (WA) following a 40-year career in the media and manufacturing industry.
Liam makes a significant contribution to the WA community, fulfilling roles on numerous not-for-profit and health service industry boards, as well as nurturing the next generation of business leaders at Murdoch University.
Recognised as an exceptional mentor with the skills and experience to lead, Liam has the ability to influence and motivate individuals and teams to perform at their peak.
By simplifying the complicated and collaboratively working together with all stakeholders he has facilitated revenue generation opportunities and significant cost reductions in challenging economic and structural circumstances.
With a passion for streamlining business processes, he provides an inclusive style of empowering leadership to engage, develop and create highly effective results driven teams.
I wish to contribute to the great work MSWA undertakes in the community to empower those with neurological conditions to live their best lives.

Jason Brotherson
Committee member of: People and Governance
Relevant qualifications:
Bachelor of Engineering, Master of Business Administration, Diploma of Engineering
Current professional position:
Chief Executive Officer with Pharmacy 777 Group
Relevant experience:
Jason is a visionary senior executive with a focus on serving the West Australian community.
Currently CEO of the Pharmacy 777 Group of companies, Jason oversees 100 plus stores (and growing) Australia wide, supporting independent community pharmacy.
Jason’s career spans various industry sectors including senior engineering roles and appointments in WA government, WA Police, major carrier industry bodies and various allied health verticals.
With an established record as a leader and business transformation specialist, Jason has specialist skills in joint venture, alliance, and strategic commercial partnerships to deliver commercial and legal objectives.
Jason is a collaborative leader who listens and delivers upon strong ethical principles. An energetic leader with a passion for people, culture development and strategic thinking; Jason is known for retaining top talent with an ability to effectively lead highly complex corporate environments and deliver financial outcomes against stringent targets.
My father, Greg, was a long-serving board member of MSWA and I strongly felt it was my calling to continue the family legacy in his honour. I am proud to be a part of this not-for-profit organisation making such a difference in the community.

Michael Fay
Committee member of: Quality and Client Services
Relevant qualifications:
Diploma of Building
Relevant experience:
Michael is the primary carer for his wife Trudi who suffers from the progressive form of MS. Over the years his carer role has increased with the disease’s progression.
Michael has extensive experience of navigating the numerous government and not-for-profit programs and services available to assist Trudi in her daily and long-term needs. This includes gaining approval for and self-managing her NDIS support plan.
Through this support, plus extensive interactions with other MSWA members and employees, Michael has gained an in-depth understanding of the physical, social and physiological needs of people with disabilities and their carers.
Michael’s industry experience prior to retirement consisted principally of working in the WA State Government’s capital procurement and building asset management sector.
The final 18 years of his career focused on supporting the delivery of various capital projects and programs in the State’s Health system for:
- WA Health Department
- WA Country Health Service
- Department of Finance
Michael’s various management and advisory roles culminated in a Senior Project Manager position delivering capital upgrades to multiple country hospitals, health centres and aged care facilities as part of a multi-million dollar program to improve rural health and wellbeing outcomes.
My wife Trudi was diagnosed with MS more than 30 years ago. MSWA has supported Trudi from the beginning of her journey with support services that have assisted her to live the best life possible.

Benjamin Jardine
Chair of Quality and Client Services
Committee member of: People and Governance
Relevant qualifications:
Bachelor of Science (Honours), Master of Business Administration (Distinction), Associate Fellow of the Australasian College of Health Service Management, Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management, Graduate of Australian Institute Company Directors
Other board positions:
Board director at Social Impact Measurement Network Australia (SIMNA)
Current professional position:
CEO Type 1 Diabetes Family Centre
Relevant experience:
As a former executive manager of both Ability Centre Australasia and the Activ Foundation, Benjamin has extensive experience working with the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
In addition to this depth of knowledge, Benjamin brings a wealth of experience from his long history in the Aged Care and Health sectors working for the Silver Chain Group.
Moving into health management as CEO of the Type 1 Diabetes Family Centre, Benjamin views his role on the MSWA Board as an opportunity to give back to the disability sector and see the vital work of MSWA grow and thrive.
Benjamin currently serves as a board member and founding member of the Social Impact Measurement Network of Australia (SIMNA) and was a former member of the University of Western Australia’s Senate.
Originally a Speech Pathologist, I have worked closely with people living with neurological conditions and am deeply passionate about the work of MSWA. I am inspired by the mission of MSWA.

John Patmore
Chair of Audit, Risk and Finance
Committee member of: Quality and Client Services
Relevant qualifications:
AAT (Association of Accounting Technicians) Intermediate Level Certificate, Graduate of Australian Institute Company Directors
Current professional position:
Chief Information Officer at Keystart
Relevant experience:
John is a technology executive with over 20 years ICT experience gained across various industries, including financial services, government and education. His experience spans application and systems development, digital transformation, strategy and risk management.
John has held a number of leadership roles with Keystart in his 12-year tenure with the organisation, including Systems Development Manager, Executive Manager of Product Delivery to his current position as Chief Information Officer.
Originally from the UK, John also held a number of technology roles for companies in London, working with a variety of clients across Europe and North America.
In the two years since his diagnosis, John has been involved in fundraising events, speaking opportunities to raise awareness about MS and actively contributes to research programs and surveys.
Since being diagnosed with MS, I have been actively involved in the MS community. I am proud and excited to have the opportunity to work with MSWA and to help support and improve the lives of others living with neurological conditions.

William (Bill) Carroll AM
Relevant qualifications:
Member of the Order of Australia, Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery, Doctor of Medicine, Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (Edinburgh)
Other Board positions:
Board member of the European Charcot Foundation, Patron of the Pan Asian Committee for Research and Treatment of MS (PACTRIMS), Chair of the MSA International Research Review Board, Steering Committee member of the International Progressive MS Alliance (IPMSA), Immediate past President of the World Federation of Neurology (WFN)
Current professional position:
Consultant Neurologist, Department of Neurology Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Centre for Neuromuscular and Neurological Disorders
Clinical Professor, Perron Institute, University of Western Australia, Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre
Relevant experience:
William is a leading neurologist with more than 30 years’ of experience and the immediate past President of the World Federation of Neurology.
His sub-specialties include epilepsy, motor neurone disease and nerve conduction studies.
Professor William is also a member of the steering committee of the International Progressive MS Alliance (IPMSA), Board member of the European Charcot Foundation and Patron of the Pan Asian Committee for Research and Treatment of MS (PACTRIMS).
In 2019, he was recognised in the Queen’s Birthday Honours for outstanding service to the community, inducted as a Member of the Order of Australia for his contribution to neurological medicine and to people living with multiple sclerosis (MS).
Professor William conducts regular MS clinics at the Perron Institute, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital and in private practice. He also undertakes research as a member of the Demyelinating Diseases Research group at the Perron Institute.
Professor Carroll’s principal research activity has been in demyelinating disease, both multiple sclerosis and of the biology of demyelination and re-myelination in experimental optic neuropathy.
“I was asked to join [the board] and thought it was appropriate given my vocational commitment to multiple sclerosis.”

Kathryn (Kate) Gatti
Committee member of: Audit, Risk and Finance
Relevant qualifications:
Registered Nurse with several post graduate qualifications, Master of Business Administration, Member of Australian Institute Company Directors
Other board positions:
Executive Director on the People Culture and Engagement Subcommittee (Attends the Finance and Governance, Audit and Risk and Safety and Quality subcommittees), Health Service Manager/Director of Nursing to the Dalwallinu Hospital Board
Current professional position:
Executive Director South Metropolitan Health Service (SMHS) - Clinical Strategy and Population Health
Relevant experience:
Kate is an executive director with the South Metropolitan Health Service, a $2.5b business providing health services to the south metropolitan region.
Kate brings constructive and strategic thinking to the corporate and clinical areas for which she is responsible, as well as operational accountability.
Her portfolio includes the management of public community subacute services across Metropolitan Perth and the management of SMHS clinical planning and strategy for the Peel, Rockingham, Murray Districts, Fremantle, Fiona Stanley Hospitals and associated community services.
Kate is also responsible for the strategic oversight of mental health, Aboriginal Health and public health services.
Kate is also responsible for the management of Human Resources, Industrial Relations and Medical Workforce teams in an organisation of more than 11,000 people.
MSWA has been making a meaningful difference in the community for 50 years. This legacy and continued dedication has inspired me to get involved.
Our Executive Team

Melanie Kiely
Chief Executive Officer

Sian Sullivan
Chief Financial Officer

Tony Millar
Chief Experience Officer

Alison Cox
Chief Of Quality, Safeguarding & Risk

Simon Jennings
Chief of Client Service Delivery