Who we are

About MSWA

MSWA is a non profit organisation providing vital support and services to people living with neurological conditions in Western Australia, as we strive to help our Clients and community to live their best lives. This includes supporting people living with multiple sclerosis (MS), stroke, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, motor neurone disease (MND), acquired brain injury and other conditions afflicting the brain and central nervous system. 

Our vision and purpose

MSWA exists to meet the needs of Western Australians living with a neurological condition. In everything we do, we maintain a single-minded focus on the people we support.

Our purpose is to empower people living with neurological conditions to live their best lives. 

Our vision is to help shape a world where people with neurological conditions have choices, options and support.

To achieve our vision and purpose, MSWA is working to truly understand and increase our social impact as a key focus, as we strive to co-create strategies and initiatives for, and with, the Clients and community we exist to serve. 

Our strategy

In 2024, the MSWA leadership team and its Board have been focusing on refining the organisational strategy and building on the solid foundations established under CEO Melanie Kiely's leadership over the past two years, as well as clarifying our priorities against our purpose. 

Our refreshed five-year strategic plan is designed to position us for the future whilst making sure we can swiftly adapt to changes in our sector - a refinement of the key things we need to focus on to empower as many people as possible living with neurological conditions, to live their best lives. 

The MSWA strategy is underpinned by three key levers for driving a positive impact in our community. These are: 

  • Innovative and coordinated care

    Looking at new and improved co-designed models that drive even better outcomes for our Clients and community.

  • Community capability and engagement

    Getting back to our roots as a community for, with and by people with neurological conditions. 

  • Translating research into outcomes

    Truly using our investment in research to change people’s lives and their health outcomes for the better.

Where it all started

MSWA, formerly known as The Multiple Sclerosis Society of Western Australia, was formed in 1972 by a group of people with MS committed to helping others access information and support.

More than 50 years later, this small community group has grown to a team of close to 1000 care support, allied health and clinical professionals, supported by our dedicated behind-the-scenes teams (from rostering to property and funding to philanthropy) who all work passionately to provide the best possible care to people across metropolitan Perth and regional centres of Western Australia.

As a not-for-profit organisation, the money raised through our fundraising initiatives, government grants and other income generating programs is directly invested to provide a range of supports and services to people living with neurological conditions.

In addition to our direct care services, we also provide funding for vital research projects into neurological conditions, in the hope of finding the causes, and ultimately a cure, for MS and other neurological conditions.

Where does the money go?

  • Accommodation - 23%

    For some of our Clients, living at home may no longer be an option. MSWA’s accommodation sites are located in suburban surroundings, with self-contained units affording privacy and independence.

  • Respite - 4%

    Our MSWA respite facilities located in City Beach and Treendale provide our Clients and carers the important opportunity to relax and refresh away from the day-to-day routine.

  • Community Support - 40%

    MSWA offers a range of in-home supports, including personal care, meal preparation and social support to ensure our Clients can live independently in their own homes.

  • Allied Health Services - 21%

    Our multi-disciplinary services include physical and occupational therapies, nursing, social services and speech pathology, ensuring our Clients’ physical, mental and social needs are cared for.

  • Investment in research - 12%

    To continue providing hope and positive outcomes for our Clients and community, MSWA pledged $6 million to support ongoing and new research projects in FY 2022-23. This totals $35 million over the past decade.

Contact us

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