The heat and MS: Facing the unrelenting Australian summer

Person blocking heat from bright sunlight and a blue sky.

It’s going to be hot and tough so please reach out.

Last week the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology issued a heatwave warning for WA. We can’t shy away from the fact that experiencing MS during heatwaves can be very tough. According to the CSIRO’s State of the Climate Report the frequency of extreme heat events is increasing. It’s clear folks, the fury of heat is here to stay. So, let’s get ready.

This summer will be tough and many of us must stay indoors for cool refuge. This means we’ll probably be stuck inside and miss out on summer holiday fun. 

Please reach out if that awful feeling of loneliness tries to get the best of you. There’s lots to look forward to. MSWA is working closely with a Client Co-Design and Advisory Committee to ensure that as clients and members we’re their engine, the very centre of service delivery. We have an exciting calendar of events in the new year. We want you to join in. 

So let’s prepare for heatwaves together. Here are some tips on how I keep safe:

1. Prepare and defend

We can do this. 

The University of Sydney’s Collaborating 4 Inclusion program is a great resource we can use to prepare before heatwaves. It’s important that we identify people in our network that we can include in our planning for social isolation impacts during heatwaves. 

When it comes to social isolation impacts, reaching out is the best way to defend our wellbeing from the heat. 

Heatwaves can also impact us in many other ways. Link here to more information through the WA Department of Health. Current weather warnings for WA can be accessed through the Bureau of Meteorology’s website. Stay informed.

2. Find your beat

We all have a rhythm. And yes the clock keeps ticking and time does fly away. Yet somewhere in the mix, the minutes and seconds can become allies to help us find our beat. You’ll know when the beat is yours. While we’re sheltering from the heat, let’s hold on to cooler memories. Whether our cool memories are under a palm tree or a starry night, the point is we can recall and savour these moments to help us find our beat.  I know this can be hard, but trust me the more we practice the beat, the better our groove will be.

3. Thank you for you

Gratitude must start from within. Yes, many people can help out. My beloved husband is often my carer. MS or not MS, we’ll all need a carer at some point in our lives. We often thank our carers for their commitment to our wellbeing and in that mix, are we forgetting to thank ourselves? Yes, we are also our own carers too. So, go on my friend and thank you for looking after you.

Here’s my advice in a nutshell: if you prepare and defend, you can find your beat and you’ll thank yourself for it. Make no mistake, it’s going to be hot and tough but from the trenches of heatwaves we must reach out. There’s a lot of good work ahead and we’re needed in the new year. 

For more information regarding heatwaves and further expert advice, read Wildaliz's article published within the ABC here. 

Meet the author:

Wildaliz De Jesús

MSWA Client & member of the Client Co-Design and Advisory Committee