Donations lift the bar for MSWA’s gym upgrade

Rennovations provide Clients additional options at MSWA Wilson

MSWA Wilson was a hive of excitement in January, as Clients and staff came together to witness the opening of the expanded gym space, complete with new equipment to suit the growing needs of our Client base.

This $27,000 upgrade was made possible by generous supporters through MSWA’s Annual Dinner Auction and will allow our Physiotherapy Team to provide better support to current and newly diagnosed Clients.

Clients and staff join together to witness the opening of the new gym and assessment space.

It also signalled the opening of a dedicated assessment space, a critical resource having added three new physiotherapy services over the past two years (Lymphodema, Respiratory and Continence).

MSWA Physiotherapy manager James Beckett said the upgrade would provide improved options, space and privacy for Clients receiving services.

“Previously we had not been able to offer Clients who are newly diagnosed, or in the very early stages of their neuro condition, with the level of support we would like,” James said.

“These Clients need different equipment, which means more space and slightly different services.”

“This is now possible thanks to the generosity of our supporters. We spent many a month poring over our equipment choices to make sure we spent all of that money as wisely as possible.”

“It ultimately provides a wider range of services for all of our Clients.”

Chief Client Operations Officer Nicola Washington cuts the ribbon to officially open the expanded gym space with Physiotherapy Manager James Beckett

Manager Allied Health Services Carol Chong said this upgrade provided Clients with renewed options and access to improved technology.

“It means we can better tailor our services to meet our Clients’ needs because it is not a one-size fits all service,” she said. “We need to be continually looking at improvement and what is the most suitable for our Clients as things advance.”

“Without our supporters it would have taken a lot longer to get where we are today.”

Carol said this work was just the beginning, and the team would continue to look at options to broaden our offerings at each facility.