Share your experience with MSWA

At MSWA, we are committed to improving the quality of life for Western Australians living with a neurological condition. 

As a registered provider for the NDIS, and Department of Communities – Disability Services, and a provider of Aged Care Home Care Packages, MSWA delivers services that align with the  NDIS Practice Standards, Aged Care Quality Standards and other requirements under the Department of Health and Department of Communities. These Standards require us to have a process for managing consumer feedback and complaints.

Ways you can share your feedback

We welcome and value all feedback including compliments, feedback and suggestions, in order to assist us to provide the best services we can and make improvements if required.

You can choose to remain anonymous if you wish. Please note, any investigation may be limited if we are unable to identify the key people involved and without contact details it will mean we are unable to provide direct feedback. The Feedback: Complaints, Compliments and Suggestions pamphlet provides more information about MSWA's feedback processes.

1. Ask a staff member to speak to a manager on your behalf

Your feedback is important to us. You can contact our staff members to speak with a manager.

2. Email or call

To submit your feedback or compliant, please complete the Feedback: Complaints, Compliments and Suggestions pamphlet and email it to [email protected]. Alternatively, you can speak with a staff member via 08 6454 3173.

3. Write to us

Submit your feedback or compliant to: 
MSWA Complaints Liaison and Compliance Coordinator 
Locked Bag 2, Bentley DC, WA 6983

4. Online feedback form

You can provide feedback or lodge a compliant via our online feedback form below.

MSWA online feedback form

What type of feedback are you providing? 
Do you wish for this feedback to be anonymous? (Please note that if you choose to be anonymous, we will be unable to contact you for clarification or to provide the outcome of this feedback). 
Are you a/an: 
What would you like to happen as a result of sharing this feedback? 
Are you filling in this form on behalf of someone else or an MSWA Client? 

Details of person providing feedback