Everything Outreach: Makuru 2024
Trishaw adventures
In April, Clients at our Rockingham Outreach enjoyed a special fun day on the foreshore, basking in the sunshine!
Thanks to the volunteers from Cycling Without Age Rockingham, Clients were able to ride on trishaws powered by the volunteers. We are grateful to the team at Cycling Without Age Rockingham for creating such a memorable experience for our Clients!

Mother’s Day raffle
MSWA team member Donna, and Client Essie were the lucky winners of the Mother’s Day raffle at Wilson Outreach. The hamper prize included an exquisite selection of tea, coffee and coffee mugs. Remarkably, this was the second year that Donna has won a prize for the raffle. Both winners were overwhelmed by the gift. Happy Mother’s Day to all!

A sweet visit
Clients and staff from the Outreach Beechboro enjoyed a delightful visit to the Whistlers Chocolate Company in Swan Valley. They created many sweet memories, indulging in a delicious morning tea, marvelling at the chocolate structures on display and connecting with one another. Clients were each also gifted with a goodie bag of sweet treats to take home.

Easter celebrations
For Easter, Clients and staff at Wilson Outreach channelled their creativity to design some beautiful Easter decorations. The Wilson OpShop Café was also in full swing, with some egg-cellent sweet treats whipped up in celebration of the festivity. The MSWA team also sported some easter bunny ears for the occasion.