Programs & workshops

Beechboro Get Creative - Art Group

Would you like the opportunity to explore your story with art and work creatively with a group to gain connection and understanding? 

If the answer is yes, then come along to our monthly Art Group! 

Facilitated by MSWA experienced counsellor Alyson Yearsley, who will provide you with the opportunity to explore your: Life Journey -Emotions – Relationships – Resolving past - Goals – Coping skills, creatively through art. 

Places are very limited, please RSVP to save your spot for this unique opportunity. 

To reserve your spot email [email protected] or contact 0439 790 490.  

This workshop is facilitated by MSWA professionals who specialise in neurological care. With expert guidance, participation in these groups and workshops will help equip you with practical learnings and strategies to share your experience in a safe space. We can talk to you about funding options if counselling services are not included in your NDIS or HCP Plan.