Programs & workshops

Identify Unhelpful Thinking

Learn how to identify unhelpful thinking.

We all get stuck in unhelpful ways of thinking that affect how we feel about a situation, and in turn affect how we deal with it. Our minds try to keep us safe by jumping to conclusions, catastrophizing, or getting caught up in only seeing the world from very opposite perspectives. By gaining an awareness of these habitual and unhelpful ways of thinking and seeing the world we can learn to respond to situations from a more grounded place within ourselves. 

In this module participants will; 

  • Learn about the different types of unhelpful thought patterns and how they want to keep us safe
  • Identify the unhelpful thoughts you most struggle with
  • Explore how these thought patterns cause you to feel and behave 

This mini session is a great way to take time out for you and your own learning and awareness of tools that can support your wellbeing. 

Please RSVP to Sidrah Khan [email protected] or 0447 041 205. 

This workshop is facilitated by MSWA professionals who specialise in neurological care. With expert guidance, participation in these groups and workshops will help equip you with practical learnings and strategies to share your experience in a safe space. We can talk to you about funding options if counselling services are not included in your NDIS or HCP Plan.